Yesterday, I had the fun of doing some massive eating. On top of getting up at 8AM in the morning to go out with a friend to eat breakfast because she needed someone to pick up/spend time with her while her car was in for repairs, my aunt/uncle also came to visit a few hours later to do an early celebration for my birthday at our nearby sushi buffet. Let me just say beforehand that it was a very filling day. Because I already knew my aunt/uncle was coming in at around lunch time, I decided to take it easy on breakfast. The breakfast was pretty expensive, $8.50 but it did have a good variety and the presentation was nice. I suppose mid-class places always have these outrageously inflated prices… I had a breakfast, not a steak lunch, lol. Not my type of place, but she chose it, so oh well. Definitely not a place I’d take my BeBe though or any girl on a date for that matter. If I’m paying those kind of prices, the décor better be stunning, like Spice Avenue or Lord Byron’s. Although I had to watch my time and make sure I was home before my family arrived, there was still a good 3 hours for E and I to talk.
My conversations as per usual, go from left, right to centre, wherever the topic ends up going. One of the more interesting and on-topic (for this blog) that came up was the early maturation of girls and the removal of once, innocent little girls. The amount of information in this world available to boys and girls these days severely cripple the innocent childhood that I and many preceding generations had, especially when it comes to topics of sexuality. For those who don’t know me well, I do err on the side of liking younger girls and by younger, I don’t mean underage. However, give me an 18-year-old girl and I’d be all over that, even though I’m effectively 7-years older than her, lol. Beyond the amount of knowledge floating around these days, you have more occurrences of puberty hitting girls at a much younger age defined as precocious puberty when it occurs before 8 years old. The earlier on-set of puberty in girls are definitely scary for the guys, haha. My friends and I have all-too-many-times looked at a girl, thought we’d take a second glance, only to notice that she definitely did not look legal. Having saw a “mature-looking” Asian girl in Kelseys the other day while eating dinner with my friend, I mentioned to him, “Hey, check out that cute girl over there.” Only for him to reply, “Dude, that girl looks like she’s still in high-school.” Ewwww. She had the full package, voice was no longer squeaky little-girl voice, she had the upper-body parts developed and the height, but the conversations they were carrying out were definitely indicative of being high-school girls. This was not the first time or the last something like this will happen.
Now of course to say the only issue of early puberty is because we guys can’t tell the difference would be truly wrong. The severity of earlier on-set of puberty for girls is that it could be indicative of existing health conditions such as tumours, social behaviour issues and effects on psychological development. While menstruation used to begin at the average of 15-years, it has now been reduced to 12.5-years and most notably is the fact that these age averages might be dropping even more as a result of early female maturation. Part of the reason why we’re hearing about so many teenage pregnancies is that this early on-set of puberty has resulted in girls becoming an earlier target of sexual interest. At such young ages, girls don’t have the mature mentality to deal with sexuality in a responsible method, thus, many are falling prey to becoming pregnant as a result of unsafe sex. To downplay the feeling of sexual arousal to boys and girls when puberty occurs would be foolish. Hormones are surging throughout the body and people do uncontrollable things. Many people claim that girls are becoming sluttier and guys look up to being players, but the reality is that during the phases of puberty, the body is extremely horny. Mind you one of the guys I used to hang out with had this really bad reputation of having to spend at least 2-3 hours in his room and it certainly wasn’t for the purpose of studying. Girls are steadily catching up to boys. Where masturbation for girls used to be a frowned-upon activity, it is becoming more prevalent and a talked-about subject between the female populace. For guys, it is almost assumed it is done, so it is even more awkward for a guy to not admit doing it.
I remember how innocent boys and girls used to be, me being one of them. We didn’t need to know those “adult things”, we played in the park, throw rocks in the pond, played “doctor” without sexual implications and knowing any better, got my first kiss in kindergarten and had no sexual urges, had a crush on my elementary school French-teacher, and wondered what cool things the vending machine on the girl’s washroom wall gave out… was it chips, pop, gum (how come they have it, and we don’t? ) The reality is that knowledge of sexuality is becoming more prevalent at younger ages and in the past year, have spent more time doing business of installing parental filtering/monitoring software on computers more than anything. I can’t remember the first time I wanted to see a female body naked, it was really a long time ago, lol. Don’t forget that years ago, such access to material was considerably harder since it was on paper-media (magazines), late night TV (was asleep already) and the internet was text-based.
This leads me to the point where I truly miss the innocence in girls. Poh Ching claims to be innocent, but I know better Tsk tsk. Is it better for our current generation to know more and be aware or is it better to know less and not as aware? Not knowing will definitely allow for a longer period of innocence within our younger generations, however, may have a “shock” value when they find out about adult-related subjects. On the other hand, knowing more and being aware has brought along the side-effects of curiosity. Sometimes the more humans know, the worse off they are, especially those of inquisitive nature. Luckily for me, all the girls I’ve dated with the exception of one have all been the innocent type… or at least I perceive them to be innocent, lol. I prefer my girls not to know too much and still have the innocent angel within them. I’m not sure whether I’d want my girls to actually understand a dirty joke if I made one, haha… I’d be slightly scared if she did, especially particularly bad ones. See how annoying humanity is – we always want the best of both worlds – innocent and not innocent, hah.
Then it makes you think does a point of innocence when you reach into your twenties that it is still “cute”? I made that point to P.C, asking her where you cross the line of being innocent to the point when you just seem retarded, lol. One of my best friends’ cousin really stirs our thoughts when it comes to innocence. They used to live together and I’d hang out at their house all the time and my friend (henceforth denoted as M and her cousin, B) and seriously B is like the pinnacle of innocence. Every time M and I would make dirty jokes or references, B would ask, “What does that mean?” For a while, M and I thought that B was just trying to act innocent and pretend she doesn’t know what we’re talking about – but that’s not the case – she was truly clueless. Even today being in her 3rd year of university, she is still awkwardly innocent, I wonder how she survives. Given how her boyfriend is constantly waiting to pounce on her (sexually), it makes me feel bad for the poor guy having such a ditzy girlfriend, LOL. Don’t think I have a problem with B though, she’s a very gentle, kind, outgoing and pretty girl – I just think that when you’re too innocent, sometimes you just become a bit socially awkward. Just these two are totally opposites of each other… the guy can’t wait to rip her clothes off and the girl is totally clueless that he’s thinking about these things (while all the other 9 people in the room can clearly see it). Not sure who I feel more sorry for There are more stories about her, but I’ll leave it for another time.
I actually had more to write about this, but I swear I’m getting old and senile (and will be even OLDER in 11 days, ewwwww). Once I slept on this information last night, by the time I woke up this morning, I had totally forgot all about the important content I wanted to include. Therefore, this entry will have to abruptly end since I don’t have an “end point” for this topic. Perhaps I will think of it and continue to update this entry if it hasn’t been pushed off the first page or simply continue on a new once. Sheesh, age hurts! Given how fast girls are reaching puberty and thus starting their periods, perhaps I should start investing money into feminine hygiene stocks as hopefully women will have more menstruating years before menopause! Let’s see how much money I have in the bank account and start looking into it, haha.
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